Gring Pest Control - Weed Control & Spraying

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Weed Control & Spraying

For nearly three decades Gring Pest Control has been providing quality weed abatement services for the greater Bay area. Our large and varied customer base includes residential properties up to large municipal projects. We have earned our outstanding reputation because of our top-notch work performed by a team of seasoned, experienced technicians. Our weed abatement programs vary according to your needs and the purpose of your project. We have found that it takes a specialized knowledge of plants, herbicides, and equipment.

Herbicide Applications
A herbicide is a product that is used to kill plants. It begs the question: Why would anyone desire to kill plants? Well, the answer is simple. It is done typically to eliminate weeds. Weeds are generally seen as being an undesirable plant. Very often weeds will overtake your desired plants and will impede their growth. In most cases the most effective and economical approach is to use a herbicide to kill these undesirable plants. There are different varieties of herbicides, which are chosen for various reasons. The choice depends on the individual needs of the customer.

Typically our clients request herbicide applications to kill weeds, eliminate vegetation on sections of their property, kill poison oak, treat tree stumps to prevent further growth, and to create fire breaks.

Herbicides vary in type:
  • General use herbicides
  • Selective herbicides
  • Pre-emergent herbicides
  • Post-emergent herbicides
  • Long or short term herbicides
There are specific times of the year and optimal weather conditions for herbicide treatments. Quite often we will schedule annual work on our calendar to insure that weed work is done at the proper time.

Mechanical Removal
There are times when undesirable vegetation must be mechanically removed. This can be accomplished in many different ways. They would include weed eaters, mowing, roto-tilling, controlled burns, hand pulling, hand cutting, and sawing and chipping. Typically plants are mechanically removed when they have already reached maturity. Applying herbicides to mature live plants will kill the plant but also creates fuel for potential fires.

Quite often in a complete weed abatement program both mechanical and herbicide work is included.

Fuel for Fire
The California coast has a very unique climate. It has a combination of arid summers and wet winters, which encourage the growth of vegetation, which flourishes in the wet winter months and dies during the summer. This produces a natural fire hazard. The green grasses of the winter become the kindling for grass and forest fires during the hot, dry, windy days of late summer and early fall.

Residents of the east bay are very familiar with the seasonal grass fires throughout the area, and who can forget the devastating Oakland Hills Fire of 1991? It destroyed a significant residential portion of the city of Oakland.

Weed abatement is an annual maintenance requirement on many properties to protect them against fire.

Gring Pest Control serves Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, and Sonoma counties.

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